Sikorsky 2024 In Person Supplier Conference

MARCH 6th and 7th - Registration Open

Welcome to the Sikorsky 2024 In-Person Supplier Conference website!

The Sikorsky team is proud to count you as a member and looks forward to your participation in this year's In-Person Supplier Conference. Your support on this dynamic program is vital, and we appreciate your status as an active advocate.

Upon registration you will receive a confirmation email with further information regarding this year's virtual conference.

Thank you for your interest in taking part in the Sikorsky 2024 Supplier Conference. Please contact the Team Mobilization Office (TMO) at (877) 836-8050 or if you have any questions.

* Enter Login Code Provided
* First Name
Middle Name
* Last Name
* Work Address
Work Address 2
* Work City
* Work State
* Work Zip Code
* Work Email
* Work Phone
* Cell Phone
* Company
* Title
* Preferred Contact Method
Work Phone
Cell Phone
* Will there be multiple attendees representing your company